Pregnancy Counseling-Santa Monica, CA-Alison Greiner



“In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves.”  –Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn

Pregnancy Counseling

Did you struggle getting pregnant and when you finally did you weren’t overjoyed like your friends and family?

Were you excited about getting pregnant for years only to realize pregnancy has been one of the more difficult times in your life?  

While you might have been waiting for this moment like many women, your body is undergoing an enormous amount of physical changes. You might be feeling physically sick, sad, anxious and fatigued..  

You might be wondering:

  • Will my baby be healthy?
  • Will I be a good parent? 
  • Will I have a miscarriage
  • How will I handle the pain of labor? 
  • What if I need a c-section?
  • Oh wow, I never thought I would be having twins? 
  • How will I afford this baby? 
  • How will my other child/children adjust to this new baby? 

All of these are common concerns of pregnant women. Unfortunately, so few women actually seek out help and end up going through their entire pregnancy feeling alone and scared. 

While this might not be your exact scenario, it is not uncommon to experience some troubling feelings while you are pregnant. About 10-15% of women experience anxiety and depression during pregnancy. You are not alone and the good news is that Pregnancy Counseling can completely transform the way you are experiencing your pregnancy. 

Help is literally just a phone call away.

You might also be preparing for a baby in a less traditional way, but still have concerns. Perhaps, you are using a surrogate or you are in the process of adopting a baby. These situations can also bring unsettling feelings.  You might have concerns about how you will bond with the baby or whether the birth mother will change her mind.

I love working with expectant mothers, as well as their partners. While our society often focuses so much on preparing for the things we need to buy or do before the baby arrives, I find it equally important to prepare emotionally for the baby. It is inevitable that things will change once the baby arrives, and having the chance to address these changes and acknowledge them, ensures a smoother transition after the baby arrives.

Pregnancy Counseling - Santa Monica, CA - Alison Greiner

One of the reasons I am so passionate about pregnancy counseling is related to my own experience being pregnant. I have two children and during each pregnancy experienced different complications that left me feeling lonely and anxious. During my first pregnancy, I developed a fairly unusual complication called Placenta Previa. It is a complication that I was told 90% of the time resolves itself as the pregnancy progresses but for me it did not. When it does not resolve, a c-section is needed, which can also be riskier than the normal c-section due to the position of the placenta over the cervix. 

Ultimately, it caused me to live with constant anxiety and fear for about 5 months, not knowing if my son or I would come out of this ok. This was also a particularly hard time because we had just moved to a new city where I didn't know many people. I felt very lonely and had few supports. I wished I had a better support system in place to help me through my journey, but very few pregnancy counseling resources existed near me at the time. As a family, we pulled through it together, and I know I learned a lot from the process.

Mostly what I took was a new found passion for working with women with pregnancy related issues. I made it a priority to become an expert in helping women during pregnancy, because I don’t believe women should have to experience such a profound and important time in their life without support. 

Although I focus my work on women, it’s very common for men to have difficulty while their wife or partner is pregnant or in the postpartum period. Having a baby affects the entire family system. Unfortunately, men’s struggles and needs are easily overlooked during this time. This can have a major impact on the family system.

That’s why I absolutely love working with both parents and parents-to-be to provide support and education during this time period. 

I find that the ideal time to come in for help is during pregnancy. Even if you haven't been experiencing any serious issues, it can be helpful to come in and process the changes that are about to occur and to understand how to prepare emotionally for the upcoming addition to your family.

Is Pregnancy Counseling right for you?

If you’re motivated to transform your pregnancy into a fully enriching experience then pregnancy counseling offers so much. It can be helpful to discuss how you and your partner are currently feeling. We might look together at your fears or what mood symptoms you’re having. If you are feeling physically ill, we will explore how to reduce your discomfort and increase positive states of mind. We can explore the anticipation of the delivery and postpartum period. Some women also find it very helpful to continue after the baby is born. l always enjoy a follow-up soon after the baby is born and often conduct a home visit to meet you with your new baby. 

There are many reasons to choose to do Pregnancy Counseling. I’m here to help you decide if it’s right for you. 

You can know that there is support just a phone call away. 

Contact me at 310-784-7080 to setup a consultation.